Dragon is the part of chinese new year celebrations and also belongs to the zodiac cycle of chinese astrology. Every year people give warm greetings and welcome to the millenium dragon to bless them with happiness, wealth and good luck so put these chinese dragon wallpapers as a decorative stuff on your computer systems to feel and share the joys of lunar year celebrations.
2010 chinese new year is the year of Tiger representing one of the zodiac of chinese astrology. So, give warm welcome to the Tiger to bring happiness for all. Share these lovely chinese tiger new year wallpapers for 2010 to dress up your work system, desktop or laptop. Choose from plenty of wallpapers and backgrounds to deck up screen and add grace to the computer.
Chinese new year is a most sought festival of chinese community who begin their preparations months prior before the lunar year holidays to make the festival more joyful, happy and enjoyable. You can watch the beautiful chinese celebrations, lion dance, dragon, lanterns and other pictures through these beautiful chinese new year wallpapers full of cheer and fun.
Serve your beloved ones with note of wishes for the coming lunar year to bring good luck, health and happiness. Make your wishes double with a gift for them as any of these animated chinese new year wallpapers expressing chinese symbol written lucky coins, red lanterns, tangarine and many more things to make your lovedones happy. The animated flash work on the backgrounds look brilliant too.
Share your warm feelings, wishes and sentiments to send lunar new year wishes to all your dear buddies, families and relatives through any of these happy chinese new year wallpaper to be exchanged as a note of wish and a gift of religious celebrations. Put these backgrounds as decorative stuff on your deck screen.